Saturday, April 2, 2011


JORGE DREXLER is an Uruguayan singer-songwriter with over twenty years of experience in music. He is the only singer to have won an Oscar for a song in Spanish. He has released eleven albums to date. We chose TODO SE TRANSFORMA belonging to his album "Eco" (2004) because we think it is one of the most romantic songs ever written. Hope you like it.


Tu beso se hizo calor,
luego el calor, movimiento,
luego gota de sudor
que se hizo vapor, luego viento
que en un rincón de La Rioja
movió el aspa de un molino
mientras se pisaba el vino
que bebió tu boca roja.

Tu boca roja en la mía,
la copa que gira en mi mano,
y mientras el vino caía
supe que de algún lejano
rincón de otra galaxia,
el amor que me darías,
transformado, volvería
un día a darte las gracias.

Cada uno da lo que recibe
y luego recibe lo que da,
nada es más simple,
no hay otra norma:
nada se pierde,
todo se transforma.

El vino que pagué yo,
con aquel euro italiano
que había estado en un vagón
antes de estar en mi mano,
y antes de eso en Torino,
y antes de Torino, en Prato,
donde hicieron mi zapato
sobre el que caería el vino.

Zapato que en unas horas
buscaré bajo tu cama
con las luces de la aurora,
junto a tus sandalias planas
que compraste aquella vez
en Salvador de Bahía,
donde a otro diste el amor
que hoy yo te devolvería......

Cada uno da lo que recibe
y luego recibe lo que da,
nada es más simple,
no hay otra norma:
nada se pierde,
todo se transforma.

If you prefer to write your comments in Spanish, please click HERE
Don't Forget to write the name of the song before commenting


Scout Finch said...

What a beautiful song and what a beautiful album. Jorge Drexler is one of my favourites singers, although this kind of songwriters are not my favorite singers, I don't know what has Jorge that I like him so much. Maybe his voice, his sensibility or the melancholy in his songs. Curiously I'm finding a lot of people who dislikes him very much, so I'm starting to think that it's something quite personal.

Anyway, a great choice.

Unknown said...

Think we met in Argentina through an ad on TV instant packet soups and next we had here, the river in between. The great Mercedes Sosa and letters included in his repertoire of eastern Uruguay and predicted we were in the presence of a talented composer and you were not mistaken La Negra
Midas hug and walk well dear friend

MIDAS said...

@ Atticus' Daughter

I don't know all the discography of Drexler. But I've found a very brilliants songs. His text can describe an universe, with a few words. Although I understand that not everyone likes. In mass quantities can be terrible.

MIDAS said...

@ Luther Blues

Mercedes Sosa has a lifetime in music. No wonder no mistake ever in their predictions. I remember I was a kid and she was already tired of getting on stage. As Drexler, I think he has achieved a great reputation that transcends even his own music.

vanvic68 said...

Jorge is indeed a great songwriter and lyricist. His album Eco is probably his best, but there are also beautiful tracks in the folowing 12 segundos de oscuridad, such as Trasocéanica or El otro engranaje, and in his previous albums. The smoothness of his voice and the poetic approach of his lyrics are the perfect companion to the brightness and warmth of his music.

MIDAS said...

Totally Agree. Great Review with a few words.

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