Today I have been adding some songs into my new smartphone. And one of those songs has been I NEEDLOVE by SAM PHILLIPS an old song of the nineties that had to be at THE SONGBOOK because it brings to me lot of memories. Hope You Like.
i left my conscience like a crying child
locked the doors behind me
put the pain on file
broken like a window i see my blindness now
i need love
not some sentimental prison
i need god
not the political church
i need fire
to melt the frozen sea inside me
i need love
driving into town tired and depressed
like a flare the
streetlight bursts an
peace comes to my rescue and i
don't know what it means
i need love
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ALISON MOYET has come back with one of the best album of the year: The Minutes. WHEN I WAS AGIRL was her first single. But this album has a lot of surprises hidden. Hope You Like.
When I was your girl
I didn't know that I would
End where you begin
More beautiful in your skin
No matter of regret
This loosening curl
Teasing you out
When I was your girl
In my room you said we'll stay here for an endless year
Close the door we're letting no one near
When I was your girl
When I was your girl
And then today
All the nightmares came my way
All the tears I tried to stay
You were never satisfied
When I was your girl
When I was your girl
And when I was she
I'd put on every coat
To wear the weather down
But even in the sun
You said you tasted rain
I watched you unfurl
You held on to me
When I was your girl
In my cups I see you watching from the edge of the bed
I'm sinking words that you never said
When I was your girl
When I was your girl
And then today
I'll be keeping out your way
Every debt they owe I pay
They were never satisfied
When I was your girl
When I was your girl
We tore out a page
Impolitely quit the stage
Into corners sweep our rage
I would never leave you crying
When I was your girl
When I was your girl
When I was your girl
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ANDRÉS SUÁREZ is a Galician singer-songwriter with several years of career being very popular in minority circuits. Recently he has published Moraima a compilation of her best songs, with new songs in a concert. I have chosen one of his most emblematics songs: NUMEROS CARDINALES. Hope You Like.
Uno fue la luna que dejaste en mi colchón, dos tus ojos.
Tres de cuatro barcos naufragaron en la forma de tus modos.
Cinco las mañanas esperando a que volvieras del trabajo
y seis canciones llevo sin dejarte de querer y aún no he acabado.
Siete los hoteles que dejamos sin aliento, y menos solos
Ocho vinos duelen al soñarte, equivocada en brazos de otro.
Nueve teclas grises de un piano de pared desafinado, y
cinco dedos con mis otros cinco te recuerdan demasiado.
Con todo para tí nada a mi lado.
Si quieres, te ayudo a subir bolsas del mercado
Si quieres, hacemos el verano algo mas largo
Si quieres, nos quitamos la ropa y leemos algo
Que la luna siempre llena de tus besos.
Once taxis libres enfadados, mientras tú y yo de la mano.
Doce los reclutas que pasaron por tu campo concentrado.
Trece buena suerte si es que pasas sin maletas por mi barrio
y puede que el catorce de febrero se nos junte con los labios.
Con todo para tí nada a mi lado
Si quieres, toda canción de amor lleva tu nombre
Si quieres, decimos a Sabina que nos nombre
Si quieres, buscamos en el cielo más razones
Que la luna es niña que juega y se esconde.
Si quieres, Si quieres
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PAULA COLE has done it again. And this time without the support of a major label and financed on Kickstarter. ELOISE is a little gem of Raven. An album I recommend. Hope You Like.
I know I’m not the woman you married,
those things we promised aren’t true
Like better for worse and loving as well as we could.
The most beautiful woman I witnessed,
I knew when your eyes met my eyes,
I thanked sweet Mary cause inside I died
Eloise, Eloise, forgive me please
So how did dark clouds come over,
and hurricane through our home,
you fell out of love,
And started to look around.
the jealousy I feel inside me,
is a tiger I cannot control.
I'm loving you, hating you
Spiraling down to hell.
Eloise, Eloise, forgive me please
You borrowed my Ford 55’ pickup,
I found it parked in the lot [?]
You alone in my truck.
And then I don’t’ know what came over,
cause I don’t’ remember the blood,
From the bullet holes, the handcuffs, the cops,
Eloise, Eloise, forgive me please
Still you arrive at the hour,
still you stay married to me,
Our love will live through this.
Eloise, Eloise, forgive me please
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Sometimes, advertising uses songs that were just becoming popular. This is the case of HOME by EDWARD SHARPE AND THE MAGNETIC ZEROS. That being an indie song has become an everyday melody. Hope You Like.
Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my Ma & Pa
Not the way that I do love you
Holy Moley, Me-oh-My, you're the apple of my eye
Girl, I've never loved one like you
Man, oh man, you're my best friend,
I scream it to the nothingness
There ain't nothin' that I need
Well, hot & heavy, pumpkin pie,
chocolate candy, Jesus Christ
There ain't nothin' please me more than you
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is wherever I'm with you (2x)
La la la la, take me Home
Baby, I'm coming Home
I'll follow you into the park,
through the jungle, through the dark
Girl, I've never loved one like you
Moats & boats & waterfalls,
alley ways & pay phone calls
I've been everywhere with you
That's true
We laugh until we think we'll die,
barefoot on a summer night
Nothin' new is sweeter than with you
And in the streets we're running
free like i's only you and mee
Geez, you're somethin' to see.
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is wherever I'm with you (2x)
La la la la, take me HomeBaby, I'm coming Home
“Do you remember that day you fell out of my window?”
“I sure do, you came jumping out after me.”
“Well, you fell on the concrete
and nearly broke your ass
and you were bleeding all over the place
and I rushed you off to the hospital.
Do you remember that?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Well, there's something
I never told you about that night.”
“What didn't you tell me?”
“While you were sitting in the backseat
smoking a cigarette you thought
was going to be your last,
I was falling deep, deeply in love with you
and I never told you 'til just now.”
“Now I know.”
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is whenever I'm with you
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is when I'm alone with you
Let me come Home
Home is wherever I'm with you
Ahh, Home
Yes, I am Home
Home is when I'm alone with you.
Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my Ma & Pa
Moats & boats & waterfalls & pay phone calls
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is wherever I'm with you
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is when I'm alone with you
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One of the songs of this moment is LET HER GO by PASSENGER an interesting singer-songwriter with a brilliant career who is living his first great hit. I think it isn´t his best song. But is a great song. Hope You Like.
Well you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it’s starts to snow
Only know your lover when you let her go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home
Only know your lover when you’ve let her go
And you let her go
Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you will make a dream last
The dreams come slow and goes so fast
You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you will understand why
Everything you touch all it dies
Because you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it’s starts to snow
Only know your lover when you’ve let her go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home
Only know your lover when you’ve let her go
Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Same ol’ empty feeling in your heart
Love comes slow and it goes so fast
Well you see her when you fall asleep
But to never to touch and never to keep
Because you loved her to much
And you dive too deep
Because you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it’s starts to snow
Only know your lover when you’ve let her go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home
Only know your lover when you’ve let her go
And you let her go
Ooooo ooooo oooooo
And you let her go
Ooooooo ooooo ooooo
And you let her go
Because you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it’s starts to snow
Only know your lover when you’ve let her go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home
Only know your lover when you’ve let her go
And you let her go
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